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The Ultimate Fix for macOS Keychain issues!

The Ultimate Fix for macOS Keychain issues!

As an avid macOS user, you might have come across the term "keychain" several times. Keychain is an integral part of macOS that stores all your passwords, login credentials, and other sensitive information. When you enter a password for the first time, macOS prompts you to store the password in the keychain, allowing you to access it later without having to remember it.

However, there may be instances where you need to reset your keychain due to issues like forgotten passwords or corrupted keychain files. In this article, we will guide you through the process of resetting the keychain in macOS.

Step 1: Open Keychain folder
The first step to resetting the keychain in macOS is to open the Keychain Folder. You can do this in Finder select "Go" -> "Go to Folder" and enter ~/Library/Keychains/ and click "OK"

Step 2: Delete Keychain Files
Once the Keychains Folder is open select all files in the folder and drag them to your Trash then right click the Trash and select "Empty Tras" This will delete the login keychain file from your system.

Step 3: Reset password for current user
After deleting the login keychain files in the Trash, open "System Preferences" -> "Users & Groups"-> select your user and then "Change Password". Enter in your existing password into "Old Password" and then for "New Password" and "Verify" you can either create a new password or enter in the same password if you do not wish to change your password. Click "Change Password" to confirm.

Step 4: Reset Automatic login (Optional)
After resetting your user password, if you use automatic login you will need to update your login credentials for automatic login to continue to function.
From the same "Users & Groups" dialog box select your user name next to "Automatically log in as" and change it to "Off". Then select the "Automatically log in is as" box again, select your username and enter your password to confirm.

Step 5: Restart Your Mac
Finally, after updating all your login credentials, it is a good idea to restart your Mac. This will ensure that all the changes made to the keychain take effect, and any issues related to the old keychain file are resolved.

In conclusion, resetting the keychain in macOS is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your keychain is reset and that your login credentials are secure. Remember to always choose a strong password for your user account, and update your login credentials for all applications and services after resetting the keychain.

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